Programming projects FEDER 2014 – 2020

Doctors of the world Belgium

Brussels has seen an increase over the last decade in the number of people living in poverty and vulnerability. As a result, an increasing number of people face difficulties in accessing health care and social support. In addition, Brussels continues to face the impact of the migration and refugee crisis that began in 2015. 

In this context, Doctors of the world Belgium has developed mobile consultations via a medical bus. Throughout these activities, a team provides an average of around 50 consultations per month, with support from the ERDF.
In partnership with other Brussels organisations, 2 integrated health and social centres are in the development phase. The financing of the two buildings – one in Molenbeek and one in Anderlecht – is made possible thanks to financial support from the ERDF. Each centre is accessible to the entire population of a neighbourhood, with a special focus on people in vulnerable situations.



Address: Place des Goujons – Bruxelles 1070 Belgique

Projects category: Axe 4


Programme: 2014 – 2020

Total budget: 7.40 Mio €

EU + BCR Budget: 7.40 Mio €

Doctors of the world Belgium

Place des Goujons – Bruxelles 1070 Belgique